"Uzi" Zalazar Un Zipped! At Starveren har været på 2 udstillinger mere i England og klarer sig rigtig godt .
Her er hans kritik fra hans første udstilling 17/11 : "Eyecatching bright red showman, well put together, neck, shoulders, topline correct. Covered the ground with ease."

MCTC's udstilling d.1/12 dømte Susan Kinton og hun placerede ham som nummer 2 i klassen.

L.K.A. 8/12 som er årets sidste engelske udstilling vandt han igen sin klasse og hans bofælde "Buzz" Ch Cannwood As If By Magic To Starveren vandt åben klasse under Dawn Inett og cementerede dermed sin position som TOP CAIRN 2007 i Storbritanien for tredie år i træk . Well done Mary & Buzz ;-)

Her er Dawn Inett's kritik : "A strong red male with an excellent head and expression, which I just loved! Would like to see him with slightly more positive front movement.  He excelled in coat and was shown in excellent condition.  This dog has the best of bites and my hands just flowed over him.  He is just a little immature at the moment but with another 6 mths on his back, he will be hard to beat.  I will watch his future with interest."

Foto: Graham Peers