News 2011 from Zalazar Cairn Terrier

1009montgomery.jpgMontgomery 2011
Walker was awesome...didn't take a wrong was so cool!  He
was grumbling before he even got off the table, so I picked up and
carried him right into the ring.....we were #91 so I walked pretty
much right in the middle of the ring....put him down...he shook, then
just stacked himself like always...on a loose lead, just looking up at
me, tail up, ears forward and a smile on his face....just like all the
pictures of him from the past!  He acted like the two of us had not
skipped a beat...and I think it has been a year and a half or so since
"I" have shown him!  He was so happy to be back in the ring.
Love, Suzee
 Photo by Joe Vernuccio