News 2009 from Zalazar Cairn Terrier

Midland Cairn Terrier Club Championship Show

1205mctc.jpgAt Midland Cairn terrier Club Championship Show Zalazar Un Zipped! At Starveren was placed no.2 in Open Class.
We had the pleasure of actually being at the show.
Judge Geir Flyckt Pederson's critique: "I found this dog really appealing and he certainly gave the winner a run for his money ! Lovely type and size.Good head with an ok expression. Very well constructed and put together. Moved with style, temperament and precision. Shown in perfect coat and condition. Very ably handled and presented."

See video below.

Zalazar Vanilla - Best of breed

1128vanilla.jpgHi, Mette!

On Saturday, 28.11, a cairn monobreed dogshow took place in Saint-Petersburg. Expert - M. Urosevic (Serbia). Zalazar Vanilla - best of breed (BOB)

Alekta Prima Valissa and Alekta Prima Biking, Zalazar Yahoo's children, got the SS certificate, Zalazar On The Road's daughter (Alekta Prima Dusheneya La Rose) became Best Junior of Breed.
Show's Best baby was Alekta Prima Genger Original Glory.
There were 18 cairn terriers at that show. That's a lot for Russia! There are a lot of photos from that show in the russian version of my website
Thank you for your help and support. Thank you for Vanilla.
My success greatly depends on you and your help.

Tanya, Saint-Petersburg

Cairn Terrier Association Championship Show

Cairn Terrier Zalazar Un Zipped! At StarverenAt Cairn Terrier Association Championship Show Zalazar Un Zipped! At Starveren did really well and won a large Open class and got the Reserve CC
Judge Kexin Holmes critique: "Middlehurst’s  Zalazar Un Zipped! At Starveren. RCC.  Quality  red, in  excellent harsh coat,  presented  to  perfection. Really  appealed for  type,  lovely  head  and  expression, good  topline, tailset, showed  all  out  and  moved  extremely well  in  both  directions. Pity  he  came  up  against  the Veteran  dog."
BOB was Birselaw Billy Fury
Photo: Graham Peers
See results

CACIB Zalazar Van Damme

Cairn Terrier Zalazar Van DammeAt DKK's International dog show in Herning Zalazar Van Damme won the Champion class and was placed 2. best dog with CACIB.
Zalazar On The Road was placed no.3 in Champion class.
Judge: Marie Hogarty, Irland

2 x BOB, Kennel Club of Riverside

Cairn Terrier Zalazar Walk The LineZalazar Walk The Line showed this weekend with the following results.
Kennel Club of Riverside, Lake Perris Recreation Area Perris, CA
24/10 BOB + Group 3
Judge: Mr. James E. Frederiksen 
25/10 BOB
Judge: Mrs. Judith V. Daniels

Midland Counties Championship Show

Cairn Terrier Zalazar UnZipped At StarverenAt Midland Counties Championship Show, Zalazar Un Zipped! At Starveren & Mary MIddlehust were placed no. 2 i Open class
See results here
Photo: Graham Peers

Walker got a group 2 and 3

At the Cabrillo Kennel Club Shows, Zalazar Walk The Line got a group 2 and 3 over the weekend:

Group Judge: Mr. Kenney (group 2)

Group Judge: Mr. Thomann (group 3)


Kennel Zalazar was represented at the World Show in Bratislava by Zalazar Copyright who was placed 2nd best puppy. 
He is owned by Inga Millere, Latvia

BOB Montgomery

Cairn Terrier Zalazar Walk The LineZalazar Walk The Line, owned, handled & loved by Suzee Bidegain, went BOB and was again in the final in the main ring at the prestigious CTCA National Specialty - Montgomery County Kennel Club
Breed Judge Ms. Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine
Entries: 125 Cairns
See results 

Cairn Terrier Zalazar Walk The Line

2.CC for Zalazar Unzipped! At Starveren

Cairn Terrier Zalazar UnZipped! At StarverenMary Middlehurst sent me the sweetest text message which I received at the port of Alanya, Turkey today, 12 September 2009 that Uzi, Zalazar Unzipped! At Starveren had won CC and BOB at Richmond CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 2009 under Judge Elaine Short (Glenchess) 
Congratulations to Mary & Uzi!
Photo By Graham Peers

"Middlehurst's Zalazar Un Zipped! At Starveren Imp dnk Red, red coat all male who today commanded the class Does not disappoint on the table. Presented to perfection. Has correct front with forechest and depth of brisket Good spring of rib level topline kept on the move and tail set at one o' clock. His head has a good stop and balanced muzzle with dark well set apart eyes, neat ears. To nit pick could be a little longer in back. CC and BOB"

Hawaian Champion

Hello Mette!

Just a quick note from Hawaii to let you know that Yellowbrickroad Wring of Fire, "Cash" (Ch Zalazar Walk the Line x Ch Zalazar Koh-I-Noor) had a fabulous 3-day show weekend this 5,6 and 7 Sept. He finished his championship with three major wins, and won group placements all three days: group 4 (judge Barbara Dempsey Alderman), group 1 for a 5-pt major (judge Keith George Brown of New Zealand) and group 2 (judge Patricia Trotter). He is very showy and happy to be in the ring and was a crowd favorite - lots of cheering for him! He did get a wee bit tired in best in show as he is young and was the 6th group in so did not have time to rest before BIS. You can see a couple of pictures from the weekend on my website ( under the NEWS tab. (I incorrectly labeled the show pictures as August). We didn't get the actual group 1 photo, the one shown is a reject, and the group 2 has not come yet.

So your furry "grand-son" is doing great over here! Suzee was very happy to hear of these nice wins by Cash.

Aloha Nui,
Lisa Dangelmaier and Paul Pikini

BOB Lithuania

Zalazar Van Damme went BOB again in Lithuania. Judge: Julija Aidietiene.

New Lithuanian Champion

Zalazar Van Damme has been at a show in Lithuania. Jean Claude went BOB with CC. He is now Lithuanian Champion.
Judge: Kornelija Butrimova, Lithuania.

Walker BOB and Group 2

Zalazar Walk The Line was BOB and Group 2 today at Santa Barbara...breed judge Elaine Young, group judge Mrs Patterson

DTK's Guldnål til Michael

DTK's guldnål til Michael W. AndreasenPå Dansk Terrier Klub's Chantelou udstilling søndag d.16. August 2009 fik Michael tildelt DTK's højste æresbevisning; nemlig en Guldnål bl.a. for hans arbejde som hovedkasserer i klubben igennem mange år.

Kære Michael

Du har i mange år været medlem af Dansk Terrier Klub og har siden 2001 siddet i DTK’s bestyrelse - alle årene som klubbens kasserer - et kæmpe stort stykke arbejde som vi alle sammen har været yderst tilfredse med.
Det var derfor også med vemod at jeg modtog din meddelelse om at du ikke ønskede at genopstille til bestyrelsen i år på grund af et stort arbejdspres på din arbejdsplads.
Du fortsætter dog lidt endnu som Webmaster på vores hjemme- side og du er nu også Teknisk Redaktør af vores blad Terrier Nyt. Dette kræver ikke helt så megen tid som kassererposten - siger du!
Du har siddet i kreds 7’s bestyrelse i nogle år som kasserer og har også påtaget dig nogle adhoc-opgaver ind imellem.
Du har sammen med Mette i mange år opdrættet Cairn Terrier med kennelmærket ZALAZAR.
Vi har i alle årene haft et rigtig godt samarbejde først da du var kas- serer og nu som redaktør.
Vi håber at du vil bære denne hædersbevisning med stolthed når du er ude i et eller andet ”hundeærinde” i Danmark eller i udlandet.

På bestyrelsens vegne,
Vibeke Sørensen

Porvoo Finland

At the national dog show in Porvoo, Finland Zalazar Van Damme was placed 2. best dog.
Judge Anne Klaas, Estonia
See results here

Roadie's daughter Niskanniemen Greta Garbo was placed as no. 2. junior

Zalazar Van DammeZalazar Van Damme
Zalazar Van DammeZalazar Van Damme

RDCC: Middlehurst’s Zalazar Unzipped! At Starveren

At Bournemouth Championship Show, Uzi (Zalazar Unzipped! at Starveren) took the reserve CC
Judge: John Bunting, GB.
Photo: Allan & Linda Firth
See more results here

"Middlehurst's Zaiazar Un Zipped at Starveren, red in prime condition, beautiful well furnished masculine head & lovely true expression, excellent neck & layback of shoulder, level topline, strong hindquarters, very good mover who showed well. To be critical would like him a shade longer in back for better balance, nevertheless top quality exhibit. RCC"

2 x BOB at South Bay Dog Show

Zalazar Walk The Line went BOB both days at South Bay Dog Show.
August 8th
Judge: Jon Cole
August 9th
Judge: Anne Marie Moore

Available for stud

Cairn Terrier Zalazar Van DammeZalazar Van Damme will be available for stud to suitable bitches during his stay in Finland at Tarja Väätäinen  Kennel Niskanniemi  where he will be until mid September.

New Finnish Champion

Cairn terrier Zalazar Van DammeAt the International dog show 19/7 in Oulu, Finland,
Zalazar Van Damme went BOB with CC & CACIB
Judge: Maria-Luise Doppelreiter, Austria.
With this CC he is now Finnish Champion.
In the group he was placed no.5
Ayrzol Ozone took the group and was BIS3.

Saturday 18/7 i Oulu he was placed as dog.
Judge: Tuire Okkola, Finland.
Mette's travelmate, John Steffensen went BEST IN SHOW with his Scottie, Ayrzol Ozone.


Zalazar Van DammeZalazar Van Damme went dog at the Danish Terrier Club show saturday at Bornholm.

Sunday Zalazar Yahoo went dog.

Zalazar Van Damme
"After a very warm day"


Ventura 2 x BOB

Zalazar Walk The Line went BOB at 2 shows this weekend in Ventura, California.

Channel City Kennel Club
Judge: Mrs. Carolyn A. Herbel

Santa Maria Kennel Club
Judge: Mr. Kenneth M. McDermott

Sct. Petersburg Dog Show

Sct. Petersburg Dog Show
Judge: Tino Pehar
Zalazar Yahoo's kids won:
Alekta Prima Viking: JCAC
Alekta Prima Valissa: JCAC - Best junior

Zalazar Special Agent K9: CAC CACIB BOS
New Russian Champion

Sct. Petersburg Dog Show 27.6
Judge: L.Nikitina, Rus
Alekta Prima Viking: JCAC, BIJ, BOB
Zalazar Special Agent K9: CACIB

Great Western CTCSC Specialty

Zalazar Walk The LineAt Great Western Terrier Association CTCSC Specialty
Zalazar Walk The Line went BOB and Group no.4
Breed judge: Ferelith Somerfield, GB
Group judge Richard Powell

Ferelith Somerfield, GB:
"I thought my BOB, ch Zalazar Walk The Line, was an exceptional dog. He has everything I was looking for. He stands true and balanced all the time, is a very good mover and was in great coat and condition. He is a pleasing size, has a good head, is very expressive and is well made. For me he stood out in a good line-up. As I was judging the group the next day I did not stay to watch the finals but I was delighted to hear he won G4 under Richard Powell."

Zalazar Walk The Line

New Danish Champion

At the International Dog Show in Vejen Zalazar Van Damme was placed 2. best dog with CAC and Reserve CACIB.
With this CAC "Jean Claude" is now Danish Champion.

BOB Neumünster

Zalazar Van Damme went BOB with CAC & CACIB at the International show in Neumünster, D.
We had a lovely day with good friends and the result was great. 
Judge: Falk-Siewert, D.


Read more ...

European Dog Show

At the European Dog Show in Dublin Zalazar Un Zipped! At Starverenwent no. 2 in Open class.
His daughter Brenndarcy Button It won the Reserve CAC (reserve green star) and the title Europe Junior Winner.

Bath Championship Show

Today Mary og Uzi were at the Bath Championship Show:

2. Open dog Middlehurst’s. Zalazar Unzipped! At Starveren. Red, very good order, a little short of coat but nice outline, good length of back and tailset. Very showy, moved well.

Uzi's daughter Cannwood Danish Affair went best junior bitch with this critique:
Wheaten, well made bitch this one, nice head, correct bite, good neck and shoulders, level topline, correct double coat of good texture, moved well fore and aft.

Judge: Ian M Kettle
Photo: Alan Firth
See all results here

2 Group placements for Walker

Zalazar Walk The LineAt the shows at Rio Hondo Kennel Club, Pomona, California, Zalazar Walk The Line had 2 group placements:

Saturday May 2
Judge: Mrs Judith V. Daniels

Sunday May 3
Judge: Mr Kenneth Kauffman


Zalazar Vanilla - CACIB

Hello, Mette!
Vanilla was a success at the exhibition. I congratulate you! I'm happy! Kisses to you and love. Tanya :)
The exhibition was held on April 19
International Dog Show FCI-CACIB

Zalazar Vanilla - excellent, CW, CAC, BOS, CACIB

Alekta Prima Viking ( Lu-Lu Koket x Zalazar Yahoo) - JCAC, BOB

Walker 1 x BOB, 2 x BOS

Zalazar Walk The Line has been at 3 shows this weekend with the following results:

Northern California Terrier Association - Friday 04/10/2009
JUDGE: Dr. Karen M. Ericson

Sacramento Kennel Club - Saturday 04/11/2009
JUDGE: Mrs. Mareth K. Kipp

Sacramento Kennel Club - Sunday 04/12/2009
JUDGE: Ms. Kathleen J. Ferris

National Terrier

Uzi and Mary was doing very well now that Uzi is in open class or the ¨big league" where all the champions also are.
He was placed as a very good # 3 after the DCC & BOB winner and the RCC winner (who is his grand dad) and in front of the Cruft winner 2008.
Judge Gill Ward, 90 Cairns
Photo: Graham Peers

Open Dog - 9 Abs 0
1st: : Cameron's Stryveling Robb Ruadh - DCC & BOB
2nd: : Catto's Ch & Nor/Fin/Dan/Swed Ch Birselaw Billy Fury - RDCC
3rd: : Middlehurst's Zalazar Un Zipped! At Starveren Imp
Res : Hogarty's Ir Ch Canagio The Unexpected
Vhc : Grainger's Devil In Disquise

2.CC for Zalazar Van Damme


Zalazar Van Damme At the Danish Terrier Club show in Haarlev, Zalazar Van Damme went 2. best dog and got his 2.CC this year

Zalazar Van Damme
Zalazar Bella Donna Zalazar Bella Donna had her show debut in puppy class.

Zalazar Bella Donna

Zalazar Jackpot

Tuesday d.10/3-09 we had to take the hard decision to have Jackpot put to sleep. He was 15 years and he has had a great importance to us as a great show and stud dog. Now he lies buried in the garden next to his daughter Magic. 

DKCH estch plpzsg plsg96 balt.w.98 kbhv99 INTCH KLBCH plsg00 plch euv2000 
Zalazar Jackpot
(DKCH ich Cairndy Luca Lorito & DKCH KLBCH Cairndy kringle) 
Born 4.12.1993 - died 10.03.2009 
Bred, owned & loved by Mette Sørum 
Cairn #5 of the Year and Cairn Dog #2 of theYear 1997
Cairn #4 of the Year and Cairn Dog #2 of theYear 1999

Jackpot's ended his show career in 2006 winning Best In Show veteran under Rainer Vuorinen, FIN 
Jackpot's latest puppies were born in the summer of 2003, but we hope at some point to use "Jackpot" with his semen, which we had frozen 9 years ago. 
It is a great pleasure to know that he has children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren still do well in the show rings.

Zalazar Walk The Line wins at Crufts


Zalazar Walks The Line wins at CRUFTS 2009

157 entries
Breed Specialist Judge: Yvonne Catto, GB

"Bidegain’s Am Ch Zalazar Walk The Line, 23 months old, red brindle, what a stunning young male, he entered the ring as if he owned it, possesses the most gorgeous head with classic expression, good stop, big teeth, neat well set ears, neck flowed into clean shoulders, level topline and tail bang on top, moved true both ways, coat was presented to perfection but still retained its natural workman-like appearance, held his super outline standing and on the move, great showman, alert, active & agile this male had it all, never put a foot wrong, totally at one with his handler, pleasure to award him the CC & BOB."

"Limit Dog 3rd Middlehurst’s Zalazar Unzipped At Starveren, well balanced smart red with good head and expression, good mouth, neck, topline and tailset, in excellent coat and condition, very attentive showdog who covers the ground effortlessly."

Walker 2 x BOB, 1 x Group 4

Zalazar Walk The Line was at the dog shows this weekend at Silver Bay Kennel Club of San Diego with the following results:

Saturday Feb.21
Judge: Mrs Dennis ( Mary Lou ) Kniola

Sunday Feb.22
BOB & Group 4
Judge: Mr Terry Stacy

BOB at Holsted

Zalazar Van DammeZalazar Van Damme got his first CC and went BOB at this years first show in Holsted. Thanks to Ane for handling.

Judge Andrew Brace, GB: "22 month redbrindle, absolutly full of type, the right size and shape, with wonderfull cairn head and expression, and typical attitude, could be a little better ribbed back, and he is not in 100 pct. coat, but he screams his breed from every pore! thankfully he can also move and has wonderfull carriage"

Junior Warrant

Brenndarcy Button It JW
(Zalazar Un Zipped! At Starveren - Brenndarcy Bewitched)
Owned & Bred by Branda Shannon & Danny Storr

Once a dog reaches the age of six months the time has come to start looking towards his future show career. For most dogs, aiming for challenge certificates and champion status is still a dim and distant dream - if a dog wins a challenge certificate before the age of twelve months it cannot be used towards the title of champion - so why not try and achieve his Junior Warrant?

What is a Junior Warrant?
A junior warrant is a title that all dogs between the age of six and eighteen months can compete for. Thought of as a junior championship it will show that your dog has the quality to hopefully go on to be a future champion in his breed.

How the Points are Earned
Until you know the system it may be a little hard to follow but basically your dog will have to first win his class whether it is at a championship show or an open show after this the rules can change:

If a class is won at a championship show where challenge certificates (CC’s) are on offer in his breed then he will gain three points for winning a class.
One point is earned for a win at a championship show without CC’s on offer for his breed or at an open show.
If your dog wins best of breed at an open show he can claim one point if he wasn’t able to claim a point for his class win due to low numbers in the class.
There has to be three dogs present in the breed before a dog can claim his points for winning a class.

Uzi took BOB & Group 2

Zalazar Un Zipped! At Starveren

Hi Mette & Michael,
Good news today! I took Uzi to The Boston Championship show.
No CCs for cairns but he took BOB and Terrier group 2.
His daughter was Best Bitch, B/P and Puppy Group 3.
Love, Mary & Uzi

Judge Sherril Goodwin: "Middlehurst’s Zalazar Unzipped at Starveren, super outline, could not be overlooked, deep rich red coat of correct texture, demands attention, loved his head & expression, well placed ears, well set on neck, correct shoulders, firm topline, tail set on, moved around the ring as if he owned it. Shall watch his future with interest."

Walker 2 x BOB, 1 x Group 4

Zalazar Walk The Line was at the dog shows this weekend at Kennel Club of Palm Springs with the following results:

Saturday Jan.3
Judge: Mrs. Rosemary Shoreman

Sunday Jan.4
BOB & Group 4
Judge: Ms. Virginia Latham Smith